

Phone.: +370 685 31352


Research Group


Research Interests: Identification and research of novel antibacterial peptides - bacteriocins. Evaluation of their application in medicine, food industry and agronomy. Research of thermophilic bacteria and their application in biotechnology, development of novel gene expression system
Present Position: Researcher, VU LSC 
PhD in Biomedical sciences, Vilnius Universsity
Experience (Past Positions): 2019–2020 - junior researcher, Vilnius University
2020–present - researcher, Vilnius University 
Publications: LABT_LMAVB
Projects and Grants: Postdoctoral fellowship project “Development of Heterologous Gene Expression System for Thermophilic Bacteria”, funded by EU, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0054, 2020-2022.
Project “Identification and Purification of Novel Bacteriocin from Thermophilic Bacterium” funded by Vilnius University Science Fund, No. MSF-JM-17, 2019-2020.
Languages: Lithuanian (native), English, Russian


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