

Course unit


Scientific direction

Scientific code


Department (s)

Radiation biology and genetics



Life Sciences Center

Institute of Biosciences

Mode of studies

Number of credits

Lectures (optional), self-study, consultations, seminars (optional)


Aims of course

To provide knowledge of the effects of ionising radiation on the living organism, its evaluation methods and molecular mechanisms.

Main topics

Radiation and its types. Non-ionising radiation. Ionising radiation. The concept of ionising radiation and dose of exposure. Units of measurement of ionising radiation (dosimetric units).

Sources of exposure. Natural background of ionising radiation. Environmental radioactivity and natural radiation. Radionuclides in the atmosphere, soil, water systems. Accumulation of radionuclides into plants and animals. Human exposure to ionizing radiation of cosmic and Earth origin. Technogenic exposure. Occupational exposure. Medical exposure. Prenatal exposure effects. Radiation and nuclear accidents.

Radiochemistry. Radiolysis of water molecules. The formation of free radicals, their significance. Effects of oxygen. Action of ionizing radiation on DNA. DNA damage. Chromosome damage. DNA reparation mechanisms. Effects of ionising radiation on the cell. Sensitivity of cells to ionising radiation. Changes in the life cycle of cells. Cell survival rate. Apoptosis. Necrosis. Tissue and organ damage.

Genetic effects of ionising radiation. Methods for assessing the risk of genetic effects.

Biodosimetric methods. Stochastic effects of ionising radiation. Cancerogenicity. Deterministic effects of ionising radiation. Acute radiation syndrome. Mechanisms for the development of predetermined phenomena. General pecularities of human exposure to ionising radiation. General methods for the assessment of external and internal exposure. Basic biokinetic models, assessment of doses of internal exposure. Assessment of the risk of exposure to ionising radiation. Absolute and relative risk models. Risk assessment of cancer. Basic principles of radiation protection. Dose limits for population and workers.

Main literature

1. Hall E.J, Graccia A.J. Radiobiology for Radiologist. 7th edition. Lippincott WilliamsWilkins, USA,


2. ICRP publ.103. The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Annals of the ICRP. Oxford: Pergamon. 2007;37(2-4).

3. V. Atkočius, P. Valuckas. Įvadas į radiobiologiją. Vilnius, 2008, 332 psl.

4. Radiation biology: A handbook for teachers and students. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2010


Assessment strategy

Assessment criteria




written report and seminar presentation

During the exam, the candidate answers three open questions. Alternatively, candidates may prepare written report on selected topics and present it during the seminar.

Knowledge and skills are evaluated with points from 1 to 10. 10 (excellent) - excellent, exceptional knowledge and abilities; 9 (very good) - very good knowledge and abilities; 8 (good) - knowledge and abilities are above average (a student independently, reasonably, clearly states the essence of the given question, is well acquainted with the terminology of the taught subject); 7 (average) - average knowledge and abilities; there are few not essential mistakes (a student independently but incoherently and without justification sets out the essence of the question, uses the basic definitions of the subject); 6 (satisfactory) - knowledge and abilities are below average, there are mistakes (a student independently, but inconsistently, superficially, unclearly presents the essence of the question, understands the main definitions of the subject); 5 (weak) - knowledge and abilities meet the minimum requirements (a student independently but vaguely, without analysis, inconsistently presents the essence of the question, partially understands the basic definitions of the subject); 4,3,2,1 (insufficient) - the minimum requirements are not met.


Coordinator(s): Name, surname

Scientific degree




Juozas Rimantas Lazutka



Approved by the Council of Graduate School of Life Sciences Center No 600000-…-… on the …. of …… 2021


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