
Description: Proteomics analysis starting from sample preparation by 1D and 2D electrophoresis as well as chromatography and subsequent mass spectrometry protein identification and quantitation. SYNAPT G2 high definition mass spectrometer (HDMS) system (Waters), coupled with nano-liquid chromatographer nanoACQUITY UPLC system (Waters) for large scale label-free differential proteomic analysis and identification of their PTMs.

On-site training available: no
Qualified users only are permitted to operate this equipment: yes
Personal user assistant available: yes

VU ID: 8043645
Room: V206
Dept.: LSC IBCh

Contact Scientist:

Dr Mindaugas Valius
+370 5 223 4410

Person for user assistance:

Dr Algirdas Kaupinis
+370 5 223 4411


31 Valius Kaupinis Proteomics mass spectrometry


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