
Description: 20-120kV transmission electron microscope Talos L120C for negatively stained biological and inorganic samples. Magnification 25x - 650,000x, with Thermo Scientific Ceta CMOS 4K × 4K camera.

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Description: High-speed AFM system – SS-NEX (RIBM, Japan): two available scanners: i) standard scanner for high-speed imaging such as enzyme reactions and structural changes of protein. Scan speed – 50 ms/frame (20 frames/sec), maximum scan range – XY: 0.7 μm x 0.7 μm, Z: 0.4 μm.; ii) Wide scanner for large samples with a high scanning rate. Scan speed – 1 s/frame (1 frame/sec), maximum scan range – XY: 4 μm x 4 μm, Z: 0.7 μm.

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Description: 200 kV Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope Glacios™ (Cryo-TEM) for life sciences with Falcon 3EC Direct Electron Detector and Volta Phase Plate (ThermoFisher Scientific). The Glacios Cryo-TEM is installed and tuned up for single particle analysis (SPA) workflow for pre-screening of sample quality before transferring to the 300 kV Krios Cryo-TEM for ultimate-resolution SPA data acquisition and can be used for cyo-electron tomography.

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Description: Conventional AFM system – DimensionIcon (Bruker, USA) major technical characteristics: scanner parameters: maximum scanning (XY) area 90 µm, Z range 10 µm. Available measurement methods: tapping mode, contact mode. Imaging: phase imaging, lateral force microscopy, force modulating, electrical field microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, piezoresponse force microscopy.

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Description: Super-resolution imaging facility has recently acquired a Leica TCS SP8 confocal scanning microscope, equipped with motorized xy-stage 12 kHz tandem scanner, field of view scanner, gated HyD™ detection system, white light laser as well as LIGHTNING, FALCON and STED 3x modules. The white light laser source (470–670 nm) perfectly matches the excitation wavelength of any fluorophore and enables simultaneous use of up to eight excitation lines.

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